I say phenomenal because I went from perfectly fine to faucet-nose and massive sneezing attacks in about 5 minutes. Kudos to whatever bug is inside of me; that takes quick action and an amazing ability to reproduce in mass proportions on-the-go.

So as I blow my nose for the 125th time today (my original box of 250 tissues is now halfway depleted), I groggily consider whether my nose will stay attached to my face. I guess if another hole forms on the side of a nostril, I'll have the opportunity to get a piercing without the needle...
Staying home rather than going to class has given me the chance to reflect on my past illnesses. And to put off my thermo homework. Inevitably, I expect this happens to everyone, as they compare their current state to "the flu of '99" or "the ear infection from Disney World" (true story). My mind

And now, as I pop another couple of Tylenol Cold pills and blow my nose for the fifth time this post, I decide that I'll take the runny nose and half-lidded eyes over "the China virus." But that still wont stop me from ignoring my thermo homework.
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