Monday, September 1, 2008

Month's Vacation

So it's definitely been awhile. Can't say I meant to take such a long break from the blog, but I guess the flurry of events that was August led me astray.

So, where to begin...

Life, as of now, is ridiculous. I can't remember a time in my 20 years where I have been more busy than this past week, and I'm happy to report that I've come out on the other side with all of my limbs still attached. Just barely.

This past week, for all you non-band folk, was something called Early Week. It officially began on Friday, August 22nd when we had a morning of early week registration, followed by a few music sectionals and full ensemble rehearsals. From there on out it was band all-day, everyday. You chuckle, but this isn't a joke. Here was my schedule for that week:

6am - Wake up. Roll out of bed. Hit the floor and decide whether those newly broken ribs are worth getting up into the shower.

7am - Breakfast at the South Campus Diner. Eat half a bagel. Think of writing a letter to the NSA with new ideas for torturing prisoners.

8am - Morning marching rehearsal on Chapel Field begins! Cue random dance parties. Also cue death stares from half the band for suggesting such an atrocity.

11:30am - Wrap up marching rehearsal and shuffle towards lunch at the Diner. Contemplate where would be the best place to pass out in the band office. Settle on the small space under one of the computer desks. Awaken from your day dream to the tapping of 200+ plastic utensils on trays and chairs. Conduct the Alma Mater in the middle of the diner, and chuckle as confused non-marchers stand up and place their hands over their hearts.

1pm - Back in CSPAC for indoor music rehearsals. Realize that napping is impossible when you're given a list of 20 things to do. At least you're busy?

4:30pm - Off to dinner. Decide that you could deal without diner food for a while. AKA when you run out of food in your fridge in the apartment. Conduct the fight song in the middle of the diner. Snort when some random non-band kid says "I thought that was Victory..."

6pm - On Chapel Field for evening marching rehearsal. Run through each set of halftime 300+ times. Bust out glowsticks around 7:30 so people can see you waving your arms. Suppress the urge to rave with said glowsticks.

8:30pm - Head back up to CSPAC for meetings, fittings, etc.

12:30am - Get back to the apartment.

1am - Pass out.

6am the next day - Begin it all over again.

Good times? Early week certainly had it's ups and downs, but the passing of our first game against University of Delaware brought an incredible finality to the entire situation. I was very excited to have half my family on my mom's side come down to see me during my public drum-major-debut (albeit they did cheer for Delaware...). A little nerve-wracking, but very cool all the same. Also, for those of you not in band who were oh-so-curious about us not marching halftime, much less not wearing coats; we had about 12 people go down from the heat before halftime even started. And honestly, having another dozen pass-out during or after halftime probably would not have benefited us. Just a thought.

So for all of you who were indignant that the band did not march because hey, they're a marching band. that's their job! WTF?, I would 1.) Like to offer my uniform to you to perform that show after a week of exhaustion + that humidity, and 2.) Like to point out that I probably saw you sitting down during the game come halftime. Actually, I know I did. Poor kid, you must have been so hot. Having to stand there and cheer? Tough job, my friend.

Bitter thoughts aside, this past week was an experience, and I am extremely excited for classes to start. This semester I'll have 5 aerospace classes and 2 band classes for a total of 17 credits, which is the smallest amount I've had since freshman year. Heck yes.

In other news....wait...there is no other news. Band is my life. Well then...

I'll be a better blogger from now on, I swear!

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