So yesterday was the official KKPsi/TBS Southern Precinct, held by our chapters at Maryland. And wow. It was

After the Precinct and the following Precinct Party (Dutchman!), I had the chance to finally get a full night's sleep and just relax. Today I've considered doing homework for about, ehh...5 minutes? That's what happens when teachers make things due on wednesday and not monday. Which is fiiinnnne by me. Just makes the weekend that much better.
I had a thought earlier today as I enjoyed the lack of work (what, no way! Quick, take a picture or something!!!). When we come to college and finally find our perfect major, we usually become obsessed with getting the top GPA and joining groups that will look great on our resume as they apply to our area of study. And while all of these things are swell and dandy, I feel that many of us are losing the opportunity to do something that we really love. Okay, so the reason we got into our respective studies is to learn about something we love, and we actually enjoy joining some of these groups. But what about the other parts of our life?

So here's a call to everyone out there (I know there are so many of you that read this blog). Go join a group that has absolutely nothing to do with your major. Follow some interest you've been harboring over the years, yet have been afraid it "won't look good on your resume." Hell, it may take up some time, but it'll be worth it to have that extra something you love when your quiz grade doesn't come back with an A+ on it. Don't go giving up your studies completely either, because staying involved in a campus group is hard to do when you cant be around to enjoy it (sad but true :/).
My home away from aerospace engineering, if any of you were wondering, is Kappa Kappa Psi. Someone once tried to tell me that KKPsi looks good on a resume, but I know better. Most people who read "Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity" don't really get the amount of passion and work that goes into such a name without seeing it first-hand. Yet I couldn't care less. The work I do and the people I work with are completely worth the blank stares and little head scratches.
If any of you actually made it this far in my post, congrats. I know it was a long one. Hopefully I've gotten you to think a little, although half of you are probably now thinking about food because getting through this post caused you to miss a meal or two.
btw, Mary? Tell your sister she's insane. Crazy Meier family.....just kidding, I love you guys.
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