Monday, March 10, 2008

Impossible magnetic settling times...

This is a conversation I had earlier this evening with a fellow aerospace engineer. If you know physics, you'll get a bit of this. If you're an engineer, you'll get more. If you're an aerospace engineer in ENAE432, then you'll probably both laugh because you get it and shake your head...because you get it.

Chris: we're getting the same torque, so that's a good thing
Chris: and for the last couple of parts, it doesn't seem like they will take that long
Chris: you know what class I don't like when dealing with hw?
Chris: aerodynamics
Jenn: we're less than 2% off, and if it's good enough for Sanner, it's good enough for me
Chris: haha
Jenn: oh aero
Chris: our settling time was.....about an hour
Jenn: only an hour?
Jenn: it's been about 5 for me
Jenn: and that's just today
Chris: to settle on almost match answers, I mean
Wrightie 05: oh right
Chris: Im not sure what the "time to get an actual answer" equation is
Chris: or what our poles are....
Jenn: that could be infinite
Jenn: I'm pretty sure I could do this forever
Jenn: and I wouldn't get the exact right answer
Jenn: as for my poles, they're definitely positive
Chris: technically it would be indefinite then, because you would die before getting the right answer
Chris: or the "write" answer, if you will
Chris: if you were a magnet, you would be impossible
Chris: hahahaha
Chris: I crack me up
Jenn: well I'll argue that since there's definitely a pi in there somewhere, you couldn't even "write" the whole answer before you died if you had the "right" answer
Chris: this is probably the dorkiest and simultaneously most awesome conversation I've ever had

True Life: I'm an Aerospace Engineer. Coming soon to MTV.


1 comment:

UFGator57 said...

haha I like being the only person to comment in your blog. I feel you 100% though, well, I understand what you're talking about anyway. I don't actually know what it feels like to be an engineer but I know that I would be dead now if I did so it's probably good that i'm just premed.