Monday, July 7, 2008

Things you shouldn't do in the office...

  • Eat deliciously juicy peaches. Slurping sounds + Flowing juices = Take it outside.


  • Repeat your name loudly five times into the headset until you realize that no one in the teleconference will hear you with the mute button on. And everyone in the office will.
  • Nod-off at your desk and make noises like "waaGGAA" when you jerk awake again.
  • Open your bag of Doritos with enough force to create a small, cheesy explosion and a sound like cars being compacted.
  • Attempt to roll from one end of your desk to the other in your wheely-chair when there's a very solid column in the way.
  • Write in your blog when you should be working....


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