While laboring away like I usually am at my homework (cough), I suddenly decided that watching youtube videos would be a much better use of my time. It makes perfect sense, right? Right.
Upon entering the site, I immediately dove into my latest fixations: amateur acoustic covers of popular songs and a capella groups. I stumbled across the ridiculously amazing group called Straight No Chaser from Indiana University (*waves at Dani*), and watched a few of their videos. Being the sucker of in-tune human voices and Christmas that I am, my favorite quickly became "12 Days", a rather interesting version of the classic carol we're all taught as wee little ones. Cue video:
If you watch the video, you'll notice they randomly break into this cool minor-ish harmory midway, and lucky for me, someone had commented saying the harmony was from the song "Africa" by Toto. Because I'm a huge nerd and had to have the latest in trendy harmonies (call 1-800-HAR-MONY in the next 15 minutes for the new, wild fifth-progression harmonies seen in all your favorite pop concerts!), I hit up iTunes and did a quick search. The original song was...meh, but what got me blog-post-writtingly excited was a particular result listed further down. Andy McKee, that virtuosic acoustic guitar talent that you probably didn't know about until right now, had transposed the song for acoustic guitar and recorded it.
After applauding the computer moniter and patting myself on the back for coming across such a find, I quickly *legally* downloaded the song (not iTunes...I'll keep my 99 cents, thank you) and set to listening to it 2000 times - that number not being a gross exaggeration. It was good times.
In other news, I have yet to purchase alcohol. And I've been 21 for all of...2 weeks? In college life, this seems like something akin to cardinal sin - embarrassing, I know. But sometime in the near future, there will be a moment when I walk into a bar, flash my shiny "I'm-actually-legal-unlike-half-the-people-in-here" license, and slap down a crisp five for a few drafts. And there will be much rejoicing.
"And then the angels, they did sing. And from the heavens, three mugs dripping with such delightful condensation, they did fall and rest themselves gently upon that happy bar-top. All order was restored, and such was the purchase by our Great Christopher."
I can see it going something like that.
For those of you not in the know --> Colossal Donuts from Shoppers = DBABG (Delicious Bad-ass Bakery Goods). The end.
Speaking of A Capella, my friend is a part of a group from UMass, an they're pretty great I do believe.
*waves at chris* straight no chaser is still a pretty big deal around here... so much so that they get their own "chalk talk" around campus about upcoming concerts. [grin]
ps: oh, and in a few months, we *both* can slam down that crisp 5. care to hold off until mid january?
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