Now, as a reader of this blog I'm sure you've picked up that I use imagery as much as a fat panda gnaws on leafy bamboo. Especially when it comes to describing a new bit of music that I've caught on to. But the writer of this article has completely surpassed me in that regard, and I was more than happy to let him. Here's the part that almost brought me to tears (of joy, mind you):
"The V12 Vanquish is a seriously fast car, make no mistake. Although it isn't quite as rocketlike off the mark as the 911 Turbo and its maximum speed is 10 mph short of the 550 Maranello's, the V12 Vanquish reigns supreme in the 60-to-125-mph bracket. This is also the most melodious supercar engine we've listened to for a long time, even if its aural statements are inspired more by Metallica than by Mozart. Idle speed is a busy overture for four camshafts and a pair of orchestral intake manifolds. Part load is a rich mix of valve riffs and a dozen dark-voiced backup singers. Full throttle is a blend of hoarse intake rasps and stereophonic exhaust trumpets that will leave tattoos on your eardrums. The sound engineers should do a hot lap of the Nrburgring Nordschleife in the Vanquish, capture the music in motion on CD, and present it to those customers who are going to have to wait for twelve to twenty-four months for their toy. The first year's production, a mere 300 units, is, of course, long since spoken for."
I've checked about the still doesn't exist (grumble grumble grumble). One day, though, one day...I won't have to pop in a CD to hear that orchestra.

1 comment:
oh wow... i was waiting for him to break out about the string sections, but i was satisfied by his dropping of Amadeus' holy name. [grin]
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