I've described it to you before. That one instant in a movie where all sound cuts out. Time slows down. And then the music crescendoes into an all-consuming, monumental force of melody and emotion. Every orifice of your body, every sensory-detecting nerve is overwhelmed to the point where you'd like nothing more to drift along with the music through the air, your eyes rolled back into your head from sheer bliss...
THAT is my kind of music. Or rather, the way I prefer to experience music. When I listen to music, I want it coming from all directions, enveloping me in a blanket of amaranthine beauty. Outside noise is just a distraction. People may say that the little, external noises you hear from a concert are all part of the experience...but should they be? How would that concert sound if all you heard was the music?
I'm writing this post more out of frustration than anything else. Even as I sit here, listening to one of my favorite songs ("How to Disappear Completely" by Radiohead**) with noise-canceling headphones, I cannot for the life of me get that perfect experience. Sure, the music has completely enveloped my ears, but it's coming solely from two directions. And external noises still manage to permeate my being *not to sound corny*, which then translate to audible distractions in my brain. Wtf.

Who knew that listening to music could be such a hassle?
**on a side-note, if you have not heard of that Radiohead song, then take the following steps:
1.) Download it. Legally, illegally...honestly, I cant stop you.
2.) Put on the closest thing you have to ear-covering headphones, OR if you have a surround-sound system, even better. Make sure your door is closed to block out unwanted noises (as much as possible) and your roommate(s) can't hear/don't mind/shut up when you tell them to.
3.) Play the song. Turn off the lights or close your eyes if that's how you like to listen to music. Just make sure that you when you listen to this song, you recognize that it's not just a bit of music...it's an experience.
I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do.
1 comment:
i concur with you, sirrah... as you may have noted, the classical pieces that rock my soul are typically those that just envelope you, then shatter your soul with sheer emotion and power... wonderful. :)
even better than that, though, is the build up... the main melody of the song cuts out, leaving nothing but the bare skeleton of the guitar... then the bass fills in a simple, quiet line behind it... a drum begins to tap out the beat again.. more guitars, more harmonies, the music crescendo, the bass begins to BOOM, then slide, then suddenly, with full force, the music is back and just rocking your world again....
love it. :)
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