Thursday, April 30, 2009

You don't need a plane to fly

Something I'm always, ALWAYS on the lookout for is the perfect running song. Usually it's something with that great pump-up beat, something that can match my stride easily and make the run less about the foot-to-pavement "thud thud thud" and more about enjoying the world flying by me. But every once in a while, there's a song that comes around and has the ability to completely wipe out the pain and vibration and creaks. A song that turns the world flying around you into some sort of movie, where the plot is advancing and the rush of scenes around you is strange, yet interesting. For the time being, I've found a song that does just that for me.

The song is "The Moment I Said It" by Imogen Heap. It doesn't have the thumpa-thumpa base that usually defines workout mixes, but it does have something completely eliminates the thought of a workout from my mind. It's got motion. Lately, when I run with that song blasting in my ears, the ideas of running shoes and sweat completely melt away, and I'm left with a flash of lights, colors, and scenes. The wind jostling the trees as I pass becomes some intense performance by mother nature. Conversations between two people, unheard by me, turn into silent dramas unfolding as time seems to slow down. The flowing water of a fountain serves as powerful reminder that fluid motion can be smooth, continuous, and unwavering. Cars driving by symbolize that work and life carry on, even though I am temporarily apart from it all.

In my opinion, that's what real running music should do. Running is motion - powerful, exhilerating, and healthy. What's stopping us from feeling that way every time we step into our running shoes?


John at Hella Sound said...

Wow, I'm definitely going to have to check that song out. That's *exactly* the what we set out to do (shameless self-promotion: When it's good, running music becomes almost a soundtrack to the movie that is your run. And, since you're moving, so should the music. And boil-in-a-bag techno may have a beat, but it doesn't necessarily convey that same sense.
Imogen Heap, The Moment I Said It. Note to self.

Dani Meier said...

i LOVE imogen heap. her "band" frou frou is unbelievable.... and as soon as I put on that music, it's ridiculous how much I get into whatever I'm doing.

in other words... i know exactly what you mean. :)

see you soon, i hope :)