Thursday, June 5, 2008

The end of my lunch break

If you're ever bored or completely distracted like me right now, hop on over to to read the blog of an incredibly talented photographer named Heather B. Armstrong, aka Dooce. With a bit of humor, a great camera, and an even better eye, Dooce does an amazing job at capturing everything around her. Including one of my favorite subjects: dogs. :D

That's a real dog, folks. And I just guffawed awkwardly in my cubicle after seeing this, attempting to simultaneously stifle the noise and prevent myself from suffocating. The result was concerned side-glances from my cubicle-mate.

So as I head back to work (woo), I suggest you paroose through her pictures and read a few blog entries, including one titled "Regional Differences." I would NOT recommend reading this in a place where, say, 50 other people are attempting to think and might be bothered by the outbursts of gasping chuckles issuing from one particular corner of the room. I may or may not speak from experience in this regard.


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