Saturday, November 8, 2008


After spending way too much time recovering from our away trip to Vtech (where I was a COMPLETE idiot, as anyone in the band can tell you), I've finally decided to be productive to the extreme this weekend. I started this by, of course, waking up at 2pm today.

For all of you that are curious, Monday was for me. BUT, I've decided that if I really want something, like grad school, then the GREs aren't going to hold me back. Here's an updated list of the places I'll probably be applying to:

- Texas A&M
- University of Florida
- University of Maryland
- University of Michigan
- UCLA, San Diego
- University of Southern California

And, because I was a complete dumb-ass when it came to deciding where to send my GRE scores, I'm going to throw an application Caltech's way, although I really expect NOTHING from them.

Application due dates start December 1st. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Andre said...

UCLA, San Diego.... and UCSD, Los Angeles right ? :)